Boing Boing Staging

Pile High Club: passengers on "poop plane" are pretty pissed

Earlier this month, 168 people boarded Continental flight 71 from Amsterdam to Newark. An 8-hour flight, usually. But this time, the passengers arrived 32 hours later, after horrific toilet malfunctions on the flight led to “poop running down the aisles,” according to witnesses.

I mentioned the incident in a short link roundup yesterday, and a number of BoingBoing readers wrote in with more.

Eyewitness and blogger Dana Bushman says,

I had the good fortune to be a passenger on the dreaded “Poop Flight” that you wrote about today.

I posted the entire ordeal (and I do mean entire, it’s a 5 page diatribe) about what happened on Metblogs NYC: Link.

I’ve also started this gem of a site as a centralized place for information about the Poop Flight and its passengers: Link.

We are trying to organize a multi-plaintiff suit against Continental for the way we were treated. We are working on engaging the services of Weitz & Luxenberg, P.C. (the firm handling the Valentine’s Day JetBlue debacle) but we need to get the word out to everyone on the plane to keep the lawyers interested. Currently we have 25 people on board, but we need as close to the full 168 passengers on board to make this fly (pun completely and totally intended).

(thanks, Dave Praeger)

Reader comment: Jason says,

My friend Brandon and I threw this together (JPEG Link) after seeing the “Poop Plane” post (and based on this earlier pic).

And BB reader Bill reminds us that this isn’t the first time we’ve heard of (in)Continental Airlines in this context:

As you may recall, you posted about a previous (possibly fake?) issue that Continental Airlines had before with their in-flight bathrooms: Continental customer’s letter lamenting Toilet Class seating.

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