Boing Boing Staging

Creepy, interesting, and real — a short link roundup.

  • University of Washington to students: Not only will we not shield you from RIAA lawsuits, we will track you down like the dogs you are, and serve you with the RIAA’s legal papers. Link.
  • A haiku about the eminently fuckable iPhone: Link. Also, the rate plan details are out: Link.
  • Why yes, I *would* like to ride a rocket into space, then jump out of it and free-float to an Earth re-entry. Link.
  • Dramatic Chipmunk, make way for Dramatic Cow: Link. Needs ominous music.
  • Kobayashi, competitive eater, defeated by his own arthritic jaw. Ow. Link.
  • All you need to know about the Pile High Club is that it involves poop, and you do not want to be a member. Link 1, Link 2.
  • Cyclops gator tries to bite off golfer’s arm at Florida golf course: Link.
  • Sketches from an “embedded artist” traveling with troops in Afghanistan, as shown on the top and bottom of this BoingBoing post: Link (via ArtThreat).
  • Scariest dude alive gets punked by 59-year-old man at Arby’s (whoah, the photo): Link.
  • Urban happiness movement in Colombia: Hedonics, and changes to Bogota’s transportation systems: Link to monster article, here’s a shorter blog post about it.

  • Curb your child’s thumb sucking with the power of acetone! Link.
  • (Thanks, tian, Doug, Josué, Greg Scavezze, Dustin, Jim Storch, Rob, Ape Lad, Derek)

    Reader comment: Nathan Seven says,

    Regarding “Scariest dude alive” — The Smoking Gun has his mugshot: Link. Also, he’s just got a bit of a tattoo problem- whereas this guy seems to have a few more: Link.

    Miah says,

    Re: “Why yes, I *would* like to ride a rocket into space, then jump out of
    it and free-float to an Earth re-entry” —

    Joesph Kittinger (the first man in space) achieved this feat using a
    high altitude balloon in 1960.

    Calpernia Addams says,

    When I saw your “Creepy, interesting, and real” post from June 26 that included the criminal with the tattooed face, I immediately thought of Dion Milam (who someone commented/linked via The Smoking Gun). But in the vein of freaky face tattoos, don’t miss the “Death Mask Guy” from bmezine post: Link

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