Boing Boing Staging

Mr. Romance

This is why God invented Flash. Best intro and soundtrack ever. Link. (Thanks, Clayton Cubitt!)

Reader comment: Shannon says,

Just a heads up: the incredibly kick-ass music from the “Mr. Romance” Flash animation you posted is from the equally kick-ass Evil Dead sequel, Army of Darkness.

michael says,

thank you so much for posting siege’s link to mr. romance’s flash site. sitting at work (i’m at a computer all day) i thought, “there HAS to
be more mr. romance to go around.” and then i found his myspace page. YES! this page also has some smooth r&b performed by mr. dunbar himself.

Dave Rattigan says,

There is a reason that Mr Romance soundtrack is so good – the opening motif is blatantly ripped off from Bernard Herrmann’s legendary score for Cape Fear (used for both the 1962 and 1991 versions). Compare: Link.

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