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Malformed spam-fax ignites bomb panic at Boston bank

OK. Because that whole Mike Figgis terror scare story was bogus, I feel like I owe you at least one true life internet terror funny. This one’s better, too, ’cause it’s Boston. Cue Keystone Kops music. Aaaaand, snip:

In a scene reminiscent of the Cartoon Network bomb scare that paralyzed the Boston area in January, police shut down a strip mall yesterday in this small western suburb after employees at a Bank of America branch mistook a botched fax for a bomb threat.

Frustrated shop owners said the branch overreacted to the strange fax, which turned out to be an in-house marketing document sent by the bank’s corporate office.

“The women at the bank should have handled it a little better,” said Nick Markos, owner of Townhouse Pizza and Roast Beef, who estimated that he had lost $1,000 to $1,200 because of the lunch-hour evacuation. “She blew it all out of proportion, and all of us business owners had to pay for it.”

Link (thanks, alxrosen)

Previously on BoingBoing:

  • Boston drops charges against Mooninite terror cell leaders
  • LED ad campaign ignites terrorism scare in Boston
  • Boston Mooninite installer arrested
  • Boston Channel photoshops Mooninite LED signs
  • Video of Mooninite menaces
  • Mark on ABC news about Mooninite devices
  • Boston LED terror scare: a message to the media
  • Mooninite response explained in an old Peanuts comic
  • Mooninite on the Haunted Mansion
  • ATHF invades Boston — the game
  • Public game involves hidden blinking LED signs

  • Exit mobile version