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Billboard equates 9/11 with Iraq

Here’s a billboard in Pennsylvania designed to stimulate the pleasure centers of people who think Saddam Hussein was the mastermind behind the 9/11 attacks. Link (Thanks, Josh!)

Reader comment:

A Boing Boing reader says:

This post reminded me of a painting in a similar naïve style, painted on plywood, that hung in the cafeteria in the US embassy — formerly Saddam’s Palace — in Baghdad. It showed the Twin Towers, with a plane crashing into them, and the logos of both the NYPD and NYFD, and then Marine and Army logos and an inscription like, “They did not die in vain, we continue their fight.” It was slapped on a wall of tilework and Koranic inscriptions.

Feel free to post this comment. Maybe someone who was in Baghdad has a picture. But since this was all work related, please do not print my name or identification.

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