Boing Boing Staging

Mystic Knights of the Oingo Boingo on the Gong Show

Here’s a fantastic 1976 Gong Show appearance of The Mystic Knights of the Oingo Boingo who later shortened their name and shifted their musical style from pure cabaret insanity to New Wave.


From their Wikipedia entry:

The name (“The Mystic Knights of the Oingo Boingo”) was inspired by a fictional secret society on the Amos ‘n’ Andy TV series called “The Mystic Knights of the Sea.” Most of the members performed in whiteface and clown makeup; a typical show would contain music ranging from the 1890s to the 1950s, in addition to original material. This version of the band employed as many as fifteen musicians at any given time, playing over thirty instruments, including some instruments built by band members…

Various reasons for the band’s transformation from musical theatre troupe to rock band were given, including cutting costs and increasing mobility, exploring new musical directions (such as Danny {Elfman}’s interest in Ska and New Wave), and a desire to perform music that didn’t need theatrics to support it. Although there was some confusion about what name this new venture would operate under (in the 1980 short subject “Face Like A Frog”, the band is credited simply as The Mystic Knights), the name was eventually and permanently shortened to Oingo Boingo for the Rhino Records “Los Angeles Rock And New Wave Band” compilation, L.A. In, featuring their song “I’m Afraid.”

Link (Thanks, Gil Kaufman!)

Previously on BB:
• Roald Dahl’s Oompah Loompah song lyrics cut from movie by Elfman Link
• Three Day Stubble’s 25th Anniversary Link

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