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Harley Hearse

The latest thing in “experience” funerals is a Harley Hearse from Milwaukee’s Krause Funeral Home — it joins a host of specialty funeral options available around the world, including “farmers being pulled to their rest by John Deere tractors” and “cremation urns that look like tear-drop motorcycle gas tanks.”

Now, he has what he prefers to call “the Krause Funeral Home Motorcycle Hearse” out of sensitivity to local manufacturing icon Harley-Davidson Inc., which carefully guards its famous brand.

“For so long, funerals have been so reactive,” Krause said. “I think that’s part of the reason that people don’t like funerals – that they’ve been so traditional. . . . If we can offer people more options and be more creative in the way we say goodbye, it will certainly broaden our clientele.”


(Thanks, Michael!)

(Image: cropped and downsized version of a pic from JSOnline)

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