Boing Boing Staging

Tank Girl returns

I just got a sneak peek at issue one of the long-overdue new Tank Girl series, illustrated by Ashley “Zombies Vs Robots” Wood and written by Alan Martin, the co-creator of the original comic. It’s been more than a decade since I first read Tank Girl, and I was a little trepidatious about revisiting the beloved, filthy Australian nihilist comic given that it has a completely new look.

But it absolutely works. Wood’s illustrations are incredibly stylized, much less cartoony and more abstract that Jamie Hewlitt’s (who’s gone on to fame and fortune with Gorillaz), but it’s no less gonzo, violent, obscene and madcap.

And Martin’s writing still has everything I loved about the original Tank Girl: funny, angry little stories filled with poo jokes, underwear jokes, bestiality jokes and so on. Reading issue one was like spinning back in time to that first look at Tank Girl.

Issue one should be appearing on stands now (with three collectible covers no less) or shortly, and it’s absolutely worth a look if you’re a lover of all things Tank Girl.


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