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Guide to tomorrow's Free Comic Book Day

Tomorrow, May 5, is Free Comic Book Day, and Salon has celebrated with a tremendous guide to comics for the noviate — lots of great suggestions for people looking to start (or renew) a love affair with funnybooks. Apropos of this, let me reiterate my frequent plugging for my favorite comics store ever, The Secret Headquarters in Silver Lake, Los Angeles.


The Astounding Wolf-Man (Image Comics)

Rising star Robert Kirkman (“The Walking Dead,” “Invincible”) is launching his new werewolf series with this freebie, drawn by Jason Howard. It’s a totally straightforward monster-adventure comic, but crisply drawn and smartly executed, with little touches of characterization and coloring and design that enhance its sense of fun. A-

Jack the Lantern: Ghosts (Castle Rain Entertainment)

If you were reading comics in the ’80s, you might remember Tim Vigil’s ultraviolent, hyper-stylized horror series “Faust.” Vigil drew eight pages of this murky, sloppy, incoherent, incomplete horror-fantasy story, which is the only reason anyone might want to look at it. D

Last Blood (Blatant Comics)

This first issue of a miniseries has exactly one clever idea: vampires protecting the last living normal humans — their food supply — from a plague of zombies. Too bad the actual writing is clunky and badly paced, and the scribbly black-and-white artwork is wretched. D+


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