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More real-life underwear perverts: Superman sex abuse in Army

From a report titled “SERGEANT GUILTY IN SUPERMAN CASE,” from a local paper in Newport News, Virginia, a military town home to the Fort Eustis Army base:

A Fort Eustis drill sergeant was sentenced to six months in military prison after pleading guilty on Monday to a series of training transgressions including an incident in which he instructed a subordinate to dress like Superman and simulate sex acts.

(…) In an affidavit filed April 16, 2006, a soldier accused Estrada of sexually assaulting him. He said he came to Estrada complaining of depression, and that Estrada instructed him to dress in Spandex and pretend to be Superman, weakened by Kryptonite and undergoing sexual torture. The soldier said Estrada photographed him during these acts and threatened him if he refused to participate. Soldiers from Estrada’s previous unit said he demanded to photograph them shirtless and wearing spandex.

Link (thanks, Kip Williams)

Previously on BoingBoing:

  • Real-life underwear perverts in the news
  • Origin of the term “underwear perverts” (Warren Ellis)
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