Boing Boing Staging

DIY smart fridge

Kim Otto of Denmark’s Innovation Lab hacked one of Siemens’s TV-equipped refrigerators into a futuristic smart fridge, complete with a modified RFID reader, embedded processor, and touch screen interface. From the project page:

The fridge has now become aware of its contents; and it is capable of establishing direct contact between you and their producers. Like you, the fridge is on the Internet and thus able to get hold of you – even on your mobile. It will let you know what you need to buy if you want to prepare a simmering beef stroganoff; also, it will alert you if you are out of chocolate-and-fruit flavoured ice cream.

But this is as much about security! In case a food producer detects a potential health hazard in a shipment, he can – via the fridge – send out a warning and withdraw the product in question.

Link (Thanks, Peder Burgaard!)

Previously on BB:
• Peder Burgaard from I-Lab interview Link

• Concrete computer display at I-Lab Link

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