VA Tech: Scientologists descend on grieving students

Mark Ebner, a longtime (10 years and counting) journalistic nemesis of the Church of Scientology, reports that proselytizers from that organization are on the way to Blacksburg, Virginia (as is reported to have occurred immediately after 9/11, and Katrina): Link. The conversion campaign is titled, "The Way to Happiness."

Reader comment: David says,

On a better note, I would imagine that Tucson's Victim/Witness operation has sent people to Virginia. This is the oldest such operation in the US, as I understand it, and their people were sent out immediately after 9/11 and Katrina as well. They're a fantastic team.

Nathan Swanson says,

I lived in London, right between Russel Square and King's Cross Stations, during the 7/7 bombing. Immediately after, the area was swarmed with Scientologists, wearing yellow jackets emblazoned "Outreach Ministry." I'm guessing this is standard practice for them, trying to catch converts.

Previously on BB:

  • VA Tech: Jamie Bishop, son of sf writer Michael Bishop, among victims
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  • VA Tech massacre: 33+ dead, largest shooting in US history