Boing Boing Staging

Andrew Brandou: Jonestown paintings

Andrew Brandou has a new show of paintings opening tomorrow night at the Corey Helford gallery in Culver City, CA. The exhibition, titled “As A Man Thinketh, So He Is,” is based on the history of Jonestown, the commune in Guyana where more than 900 members of the People’s Temple, under the guidance of cult leader Jim Jones, killed themselves or were murdered in 1978. I find Brandou’s juxtaposition of extreme cuteness and dark imagery to be deeply moving. Seen here, “Medication,” a depiction of People’s Temple members lining up for a cup of cyanide-laced Flavor Aid. (Note: Funnily enough, I learned about this show last week when I saw an ad for it on this very site!)

UPDATE: Juxtapoz posted a fantastic photo gallery documenting their visit to Brandou’s studio. Link

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