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Five favorite podcasts

Here, in no particular order, are five of my favorite podcasts.

Radio Oh La La This is the only music podcast I subscribe to. It’s dedicated to French pop music from the ’50s and ’60s and is hosted by a Dutch woman named Natasha who presents the show in English. I thank her for introducing me to the music of the German band, “Les 5 Gentlemen,” who sing in French. Subscribe to podcast
(Update: Natasha says: “By the way, I’m not Dutch, I’m French Canadian, although I live in Amsterdam” and Mark Bellis says Les 5 Gentlemen hail from Marseilles, France.)

MacBreak Weekly Leo Laporte, Merlin Mann, Scott Bourne, and Alex Lindsay team up with guests to jawbone about all things Mac related. My favorite part is the hosts weekly software picks. One recent program that I found out about on this podcast is CoverScout, a $(removed) utility that grabs music cover art for your digital music. Subscribe to podcast

Kasper Hauser Comedy Podcast The first thing I ever heard from this comedy sketch group was a parody of Star Trek, in which Captain Kirk has ingested a psychedelic plant and is freaking out. I immediately subscribed to the podcast and caught up with all the previous episodes. Their New York Times wedding announcements are awesome, as is their take on This American Life. They are also the creators of one of the funniest books I’ve read in years, SkyMaul: Happy Crap You Can Buy From a Plane. Subscribe to podcast

The Sound of Young America This “Public Radio Show About Things That Are Awesome” features interviews with authors, film makers, comedians, and artists. Host and producer Jesse Thorn is a wonderful interviewer who keeps things moving without getting in the way. I especially enjoyed Jesse’s interview with magician Ricky Jay Subscribe to podcast

Moldawer in the Morning David Moldawer picks three topics in the news and discusses them with a special guest. As David explains at the beginning of each episode, “Expect a medium amount of bullshit.” Subscribe to podcast

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