Squirrel obstacle course videos.

Picture 5-23
These videos were produced by people treating squirrels with the kindness and respect deserved by our magnificently resourceful and resplendently hirsute squirrel friends. Link

Reader comment:

Charles says:

More squirrel antics. The PBS fundraiser is re-airing the 40 min. special, Squirrel Wars and How to Win Them, by naturalist George Harrison. PBS replays 'Wars' this Thursday in my area.

"Explores the impact squirrels have on people, often causing outrageous human behavior. Scenes of the foolish battles people wage on these pests are followed by practical, safe, and easy solutions for both people and squirrels. Woven into the battles are the fascinating secret lives of squirrels. How they live, their enemies, longevity, courtship, and rearing of young are all revealed in this fast-moving presentation."

Previously on Boing Boing:

Videos of cruel devices for removing squirrels with unnecessary force