Boing Boing Staging

BoingBoing week in review: Feb 26- Mar 4, 2007

IMAGE: “Father and Son,” shot in Amdo province, Tibet, by Raul Gutierrez (he and his wife have a beautiful new son of their own this week – congrats!). From this Feb. 26 BoingBoing post.

  • Darwin’s “Origin of Species”: free audiobook (Xeni)
  • NPR “Xeni Tech” – RIAA vs. college students, Gizmodo boycott (follow-ups: 1, 2, 3) (Xeni)
  • Finding Nemo at the sushi bar (Cory)
  • Video of failed-chute skydiver surviving 12,000 foot fall (Mark)
  • Rodney Ascher’s short film about a freefalling parachutist (Pesco)
  • Second Life: John Edwards assaulted by poo-slinging communists (Xeni)
  • Tricking the social voting sites (Cory)
  • Loren Coleman: No bread, no blog (Pesco)
  • WaPo editorial on jailed Egyptian blogger, and US responsibility (Xeni)
  • Steampunk magazine (Cory)
  • Take a picture in Miami, go to jail (Mark)
  • Complete New Yorker Magazine on a USB hard drive (DRM crippled) (Mark)
  • Pop-up porn case update (Mark)
  • BoingBoingBoing podcast 10: Bonnie Burton, Star Wars fandom (all of us)
  • Generation labels from the Puritans to Gen Y (Cory)
  • Why DRM drives piracy (Cory)
  • Peru: report on links between unsafe sex and public ‘net cafes (Xeni)
  • Moon Over Morocco podcast (Pesco)
  • Exit mobile version