Wikipedia's list of unboundedly long songs ("songs…that continue until the singer decides (or is forced) to stop) has some real gems that appeal to my inner repetitious repeater.
Repeating songs
* "10 Green Bottles"
* "99 Bottles of Beer"
* "Bingo"
* "Brother for Sale" by the Olsen Twins
* "Here We Go"
* "Ivan's in the Garden"
* "Michael Finnigan"
* "I Know A Song That'll Get On Your Nerves"
* "The Song That Never Ends"
* "There's a Hole in My Bucket"
* "John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt"
* "Found a Peanut"
* "Rabbit Ain't Got No Tail At All"
* "We're Going to Bonnie Doon"
* "I Know A Song That Gets On Everybody's Nerves
* "We've Got Spirit, Yes We Do"
* "The Diarrhea Song"
* "Stay on the Happy Side"
* "Yon yonson"
* "Coin Operated Boy" by the Dresden Dolls
(via Kottke)