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R.U. Sirius' True Mutations book

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R.U. Sirius has a new book of interviews with interesting people, called True Mutations. I can’t wait to get my copy.

True Mutations: Interviews on the Edge of Science, Technology, and Consciousness looks at the wild changes that may be coming to the human species during the 21st Century. In a series of interviews, author/host RU Sirius explores a series of (r)evolutions in disciplines ranging from the evolution of clean energy to the possibilities of endless neurological ecstasy; from open-source free access to nearly everything under the sun to self-directed biotechnological evolution; from psychedelic culture mash-ups to the possibilities of a technological singularity that alters not only humanity but the entire universe.

In 2007, True Mutations takes up where his earlier book (with Rudy Rucker) Mondo 2000: A User’s Guide to the New Edge left off. I hope these playful, informative, occasionally skeptical, frequently trippy, and sometimes funny conversations turn you on to new ways of thinking about these sometimes scary and definitely wiggy times and inspire new forms of creative work and play among those who read it.


It Ain’t Over ‘Til the Fat Lady Sings at Your 160th Birthday Party: RU Curious Interviews RU Sirius

SECTION ONE: Digital Revolution Reaches PUBERTY

How the Sixties Shaped the Personal Computer Revolution with John Markoff

Other Worlds: Real and Imagined with Jamais Cascio

We Are All as Weird as Any of Us with Cory Doctorow

The End-To-End Principle with Clay Shirkey

Between Anarchy and Oligarchy with Siva Vaidhyanathan

When Cooperation Breaks Out with Howard Rheingold

Imagine Jaron Lanier with Jaron Lanier

The Top 11 Reasons Why VR has not yet become Commonplace by Jaron Lanier

We Like to Watch with Ken Goldberg

Virtually Ahead Of Everybody with Lynn Hershman


The Manchurian Rodent with David Pescovitz

Hey, Look at my Brain! with Steven Johnson

The Neuroceutical Age with Zack Lynch

Is It Your Brain? with Wrye Sententia

Nootropics: Past, Present & Future with Will Block

I Meme Mine with Susan Blackmore


BioPunk News You Can Use with David Duncan

Fountains of Youth with Michael Asimov and Aubrey de Gray

More-Than-Humanism with Ramez Naam

Feeling Groovy, Forever with David Pierce

TRANSitions with Christopher Dewdney

The Whole Thing Spirals Out of Control with Mark Pesce

Does Transhumanism Suck? with Annalee Newitz


True Mutations: An Open Source for the Self with Genesis P. Orridge

Hang The Tsar! with Robert Anton Wilson

Magickal Reality Hacking with Richard Metzger

Players with Pat Kane

The 2012 (Or Thereabouts) Trip with Daniel Pinchbeck

No Gene is an Island with Howard Bloom

Recombinant Culture: Cut Sounds and Memes with Paul Miller aka DJ Spooky


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