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O'Reilly Emerging Tech conference earlybird reg closes Monday!

Next Monday is the last day for discounted Early Bird registration at the O’Reilly Emerging Technology Conference. Last year, the con sold out entirely — sign up early! I’m speaking this year, co-presenting with Trusted Computing advocate Peter Biddle (notorious as the author of the Darknet paper). Peter and I will be switching up a little this time: I’m going to present the case for DRM, then he’s going to present the case against it. Should be fun!

The program is still being finalized, but already there are any number of exciting presentations on the slate, including:

In 2007, we expect internet access to be instant, music collections to fit into our pockets, and communication as a constant. Technology is so tightly woven into our lives that at times we scarcely notice it. And yet, there are innovators, hackers, and thinkers plotting revolutions–often by simply reexamining underlying assumptions we already take for granted. From the infrastructure supporting mass-market players, the promise of mass computing, and alternative energy sources to personalized medicine, movie magic, web heresies, and talking paper, ETech 2007 explores the technological rejiggering and changes in perspective that are poised to blast off into the realm of magic. Join us March 26-29, 2007 in San Diego, CA–be a part of the ideas, tools, and discussions happening today that will give rise to the magic of tomorrow.


(Disclosure: I’m a proud volunteer on the Emerging Tech programming jury)

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