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A town called Feces

Following up on an earlier BoingBoing post about an Austrian burg called Fucking, BB reader Horchata Washington says,

There’s a town in Northern Portugal [Spain] called Feces we drove through on a trip to Spain a couple of years ago. Yeah, i was amused which made my wife sad. I took a pic of the sign; you can see it here: Link.

The town is actually called “Feces de Abaixo (Lower Feces), adding to my amusement factor.

Reader commment: Mandy says,

Don’t forget Pee Pee Township! (Pike County, Ohio) Also home of the Pee Pee Creek.

Andrew Tonkin says,

Let’s not forget California’s own Brown Material Road, halfway between LA and the Monterey Peninsula: Link

José Leitão of Portugal says,

hat town with the witty title “Feces de Abaixo” is NOT located in Portugal, but in the Spanish Province of Galiza, here you can check that in this link.

It was the way the name was written which struck me as not being Portuguese, a 2 second search in Google yelded a lot of results confirming this.

Avelino Dominguez says

One coment tell that Feces is from a Spanish province of Galiza. Is not true. Feces de Abaixo is from the province Ourense from the comunity of Galicia. Spain is divided in 17 comunitys, and Galicia is one of them.

Mike Cohen says,

You can add Puke, Albania to your list of place names.

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