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Brain worms in Texas

Wash your hands, cook meats, and clean fruits and vegetables to protect yourself from brain worms. Apparently, several cases of cysticerosis have recently been reported in South Texas. The infection is caused by tapeworm larvae that form cysts within the body and can eventually move their way into the brain and spinal cord, resulting in neurocysticerosis. According to the Center for Disease Control, seizures, headaches, confusion, brain swelling, and even death can occur. According to a KENS TV article, one individual who suffered from the problem was Renaldo Ramirez, 50, of Houston. He complained of a headache and eventually passed out for more than a week. From the article (MRI image of neurocysticerosis from Wikipedia) :

Dr. Aaron Mohanty found a cyst of tapeworm larvae living in Ramirez’s brain. If it hadn’t been found, the doctor said, Ramirez could have been dead within hours from the disease called cysticercosis. The disease is usually found in rural parts of developing countries with poor hygiene habits. However, Ramirez was the fourth patient Mohanty treated within a few months.

Ramirez’s cyst was removed through a small incision.

There have been cases of cysticercosis in South Texas, San Antonio’s Metro Health District said, but it is not a major outbreak.

Link (Thanks, Vann Hall!)

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