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Pink peace tanks invade Amsterdam skyline

Dadara tells BoingBoing,

Just recently (between Christmas and New Year) I designed a big (8 x 8 x 3 metres) pink tank for my Love, Peace and Terror Project, and built it on a rooftop in the centre of Amsterdam and will blow it up with explosives beginning of February.

For fun today I googled “pink tank” and stumbled on your april 19, 2006 blog entry about pink tanks.
This one is not a real tank and I guess the other ones won’t get blown up, but still I feel part of a pink tank movement now :-)

Link to the Love/Peace/Terror project website, which states:

In the sixties naked hippies with flowers braided into their long hair might have been successful in protesting against war, but nowadays probably the language of war itself might be better for delivering a message of peace .

Previously on BoingBoing:

  • Cute pink tank cozy
  • Pink tank

    Reader comments: Hugh Bradley says,

    In 2005 the Irish artist Abigail O’Brien made a 19 feet long inflatable pink tank as part of her Fortitude project. The tank was painted with a motif of raspberries! A timer had the sculpture inflating and deflating every two minutes. There are movies of this installation which was at the J Mooney Foundation in Chicago. She has also made cross stitch sewing patterns of pink tanks with broken barrels. Link.

    Rich says,

    The Prague pink tank blogged earlier on BoingBoing is now in the vojenske technicke
    museum, a day’s bike ride (well, a day if you are me and my daughter
    :-) from Prague. It is an awesome place. Here is a website featuring the pink tank.
    It is a dominant feature as you enter the facility: Link.

    Here is a picture I took of it: Link.

    The pink tank is cool and symbolic, but the Dr. Seuss colors in this
    one are great: Link.

    This dazzle painting of a gun emplacement is cool: Link.

    But this is one of the funniest things there, a fake tank: Link. They set up a bunch of these as decoys, to fool people doing aeriel
    surveilence into thinking they had more tanks than they did.

    Swords to plowshares is one thing, but artillery to nesting box is another: Link. And all my photos from the museum: Link.

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