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Liferhacker's Gina Tripani gets stippled on WSJ

Lifehacker editor Gina Trapani got her own hedcut in the Wall Street Journal, and deservedly so. Congrats, Gina!

Ms. Trapani, who manages a staff of three writers, is something of an anomaly among bloggers. She avoids writing about herself and her posts are free of the sarcasm and snarky attitude that other blogs — particularly those on technology — use as calling cards. The former software programmer says she prefers to stay out of the limelight. Any publicity about herself, instead of the site, “makes me want to climb under my desk and hide,” she said. “But that’s just my inner geek.”


Previously on Boing Boing:

• The art of WSJ illustrator Noli Novak Link

• WSJ artist also a rocker Link

(Thanks, Brian!)

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