Boing Boing Staging

Barlow on hacker/infringer civil disobedience

Markus sez, “After Lessigs stunning talk at 23c3 in Berlin there was an interesting debate between Lawrence Lessig and John Perry Barlow about strategies in the copyfight. We did an interview with Barlow right after the debate about massive civil disobience to crash the system:”

[…]If you wanna share something – share it. If you wanna use something – use it. Try to do so ethically in the sense of don’t take things without attribution.[…] Pay no attention to these people when it comes to being creative. Go ahead and do the stuff that Larry showed in the beginning of his talks and do lot of it. And every time they put a lock on – break it. And every time they pass a new law – break that.[…]


(Thanks, Markus!)

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