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Iraqi children run desperately for water bottle held by soldier

Picture 3-20
Video of a US soldier amusing himself by holding a bottle of water from the back of a truck while young Iraqi children run desperately for it. Link (Via WFMU’s Beware of the Blog)

Reader comment:

GarrettThank sent a link to this video of US soldiers using their tank to crush a car owned by some impoverished Iraqi citizens who allegedly stole some wood in a greedy attempt to feed their families. I’m sure the vast majority of US soldiers are excellent people, but these assholes ruin all the good will. He says:

Compared to the GIs in WWII who carried extra chocolate rations to make friends with the locals these soldiers look like punks.


(Here’s a video of a nice soldier playing soccer with some Iraqi kids. I hope to see more like this one to get rid of the sick feeling in my gut from watching the first two. Link — Mark)

Reader comment:

David Cassel says:

Speaking of Iraq footage, here’s a really cool link. Footage from Iraq shows how YouTube is giving a much better view of the reality in Iraq than the traditional news media.

Combat attacks are seen – from both sides – and towards the bottom there’s some surprising hot Iraqi “action” of another sort.

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