Boing Boing Staging

Billy Bragg and manager: The Internet is for sharing files

Jordan sez, “Musical rabblerouser Billy Bragg and his manager (who also worked with The Clash) discuss file-sharing, DRM, and the impending demise of giant record stores.”

He also fears the internet is misunderstood by labels.

Traditional stores are in jeopardy because of discounting, Jenner says
“They weren’t really able to come to grips with the essential truth of the internet, which is that it’s all about sharing of files.”

A protection system known as digital rights management (DRM) restricts the distribution and accessibility of music files can be tightly controlled.

However, this is “a complete turn-off to the consumers and doesn’t work”, Jenner claims – and is another area he says needs to be changed.

“Labels were trying to stop the internet doing what it does – exchange files – and try to chain it, put lead weights on it, so files wouldn’t move around.

“All it does is penalise the honest.”


(Thanks, Jordan!)

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