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9 great old punk videos

After Cory posted that clip of Jello Biafra talking about net neutrality, I got nostalgic and went on YouTube looking for videos from some of my favorite songs. Here they are:

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1. Generation X: “Your Generation” (1977)

Billy Idol now was (and still is — check out his unfairly forgotten most recent album, Devil’s Playground) a top-notch songwriter and performer.

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2. Buzzcocks: “What Do I Get?” (1977)

Their single and album art was way ahead of its time.

3. Stiff Little Fingers: “Suspect Device” (1979)

Don’t you feel sorry for people who listen to Green Day instead of Stiff Little Fingers?

4. Dead Boys: “Sonic Reducer” (1979?)

Stiv Bators was one of the best live performers ever. He was also incredibly nice. When I was living in Colorado, I was in a band we had the pleasure of opening for his band, Lords of the New Church. He gave us the case of beer in his dressing room. I saw him many years later in Los Angeles and went up to him and said hello. I’m sure he didn’t remember me but he asked me to have a soft drink with him at a cafe. It’s very sad that he was run over by a vehicle in Paris (June 1990), he still had much to offer the world.

5. Ramones: “Blitzkrieg Bop” (1977)

They’re all dead now, except for the multiple drummers.

6. Blondie: “Hanging On The Telephone” (1978)

One of my favorite Blondie tunes. Originally performed by The Nerves (Amazon sample here)

7. Devo: “Uncontrollable Urge” 1978

Bonus: Devo playing at Kent State University in 1973

8. The Clash: “White Riot” (1977?)

One of the best singles of all time.

9. Rich Kids: “Rich Kids” (1978?)

Glen Matlock was The Sex Pistol’s bass player, and he wrote the Sex Pistols’ best songs. When he was kicked out of the band and replaced by Sid Vicious, Matlock formed Rich Kids. They only made one album (Ghosts of Princes in Towers) but it is terrific power pop.

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