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Sex-in-Russia article on This Old House site

David Bousson says: “I followed the link to This Old House about the Home Inspection Nightmares, and then clicked on one of the links at the end. It took me to this page, on Rehabilitating Sex, which I’m afraid I cannot explain within its context. It’s This Old House, explaining the ongoing sexual revolution in Russia. And it’s in their kitchen section to boot. It was supposed to be a link to their Fall Inspection Guide.”

Last December at an erotic-art exposition in Moscow, a woman was covered in whipped cream and men in the audience were invited to lick it off; the scene was later shown on late-night TV. The capital even boasts its first touch of Times Square raunch, at the Tramway Workers’ House of Culture, which last month began playing host three nights a week to a nude revue featuring a striptease and a simulated sex act.

What the heck is this article doing on the This Old House site?!


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