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Respect Copyright activity patch from LA Scouts design

This tacky monstrosity is the “Respecting Copyrights merit patch” that Los Angeles Boy Scouts can receive if they consent to being brainwashed by the MPAA’s curriculum. Nice to see an organization in loco parentis shilling for a cartel of Fortune 100 companies.


(Thanks Pawel!)

See also:
Boy Scouts shill for MPAA with copyright merit badge
Boy Scouts of America Concerned About Copyright

Update: There’s some dispute as to what this is called. Clark sez, “The MPAA monstrosity is an activity patch or temporary insignia- these
denote that a scout has participated in a special event or activity; a
couple of common examples of activity patches are those issued to scouts who
have attended a weekend camporee or a week at summer camp.
Activity patches are simple tokens of recognition that are not vetted or
controlled on a national level. Unlike merit Badges activity patches do not
apply to a scout’s advancement in rank.”

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