Boing Boing Staging

3-D figurines of Second Life avatars

Fabjectory makes 3-D figurines of your Second Life avatar. A 7-inch model costs $99.

Q: How are the figures made?

A: The figures are built on a Z-Corp rapid prototyping machine. One 4000th of an inch at a time, the machine lays down a plaster powder that it covers with a type of colored glue.

Q: How do the colors get applied?

A: Color is applied as the figures are built, this has a couple advantages over paint:

1. Very fine texture details can be reproduced: words, tattoos and subtle things like fingernails and eyebrows all show up great

2. Color actually extends slightly into the figure (like a candy shell), reducing the visibility of small scratches and bumps

Link (Thanks, Porsupah!)

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