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South Park: Make Love Not Warcraft

South Park, now in its tenth season, ran an episode last night in which everyone becomes World of Warcraft zombies — just like some people I know.

I think this is now my favorite South Park episode ever, or at least a tie with the one in which a giant satellite dish grows out of Cartman’s butt. It’s that good. Snip from last night:

Cartman: You can just hang around outside all day tossing a ball around, or you can sit at your computer and do something that matters.

Adam Finley at TVSquad has an item here, and he rightly points out…

I think I can say with almost absolute certainty that South Park is the first television show in history where a character actually uses the word “pwnage.”

Matt and Trey and team nailed it *perfectly* — in part, according to reports, because WoW makers Blizzard provided technical advisory help. Link to “Make Love Not Warcraft,” at (with pics, audio, and video teaser). Joystiq has a review, here’s a related Denver Post item.

Reader comment: Chance Wheeler says,

I don’t know if it counts as saying “Pwnage”, but on the episode “The Wrath of Con” on “Veronica Mars” “Ownage!” is shouted multiple times while characters are playing Unreal Tournament.

William Jackson says,

Here are some links to see the full WoW video: one, two, three.

Kim Pimmel says,

The sword featured in the episode is actually an item that exists in the World …. of Warcraft called ‘The Hungering Cold’. Comparison shots here.


Another excellent episode was “Good Times With Weapons” where the kids took on the likenesses of anime characters. Link. Apparently, Prosopopoeia makes for great South Park. Warning: Butters’ fans may not want to watch this one.

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