Boing Boing Staging

Foley/GOP logo mashup tees: Pedophant

Snip from Bluecollardistro description for this political parody t-shirt:

Man, who knew IM chats could be so creepy? We were just as
surprised not-surprised as everyone else
to find that a creep like Mark “Maf54” Foley exists in
Congress. Actually, more than anything we were surpised
any member of Congress has the time to cyber it up with a
child when there are more pressing matters going on like
breaking our TVs, defending a false war, and redefining torture.

Rather than lose sleep about all of this we decided to do what we do best: draw up a Foley-Elephant hybrid manimal with it’s nuts in an American flag banana hammock and slap it on a t-shirt. Bonus, the shirts have
one of three random quotes from the chat logs (do yourself a favor and read this, it’s creep-tastic). Depending on what we throw in your bag, you’ll
get a “Pedophant” shirt with one of the following super-awesome-gross quotes:

  • (7:57:05 PM) i always use lotion and the hand
  • (7:79:48 PM) is your little guy limp…or growing
  • (8:08:31 PM) get a ruler and measure it for me

(…) Here’s a nice jpeg of the art, by the way, for AIM icons and what not.

(Thanks, Burton)

Update: Looks like others may be planning to profit from the congressman’s misdeeds, too. BB reader jbuck writes,

Someone just registered “whois” gives

Domain Name……….

Creation Date…….. 2006-10-04

Registration Date…. 2006-10-04

Expiry Date………. 2007-10-04

Organisation Name…. Clifford E. Ogbehon

Organisation Address. P.O.Box 741431

Organisation Address.

Organisation Address. Houston

Organisation Address. 77274-1431

Organisation Address. TX

Organisation Address. UNITED STATES

Someone grapped this week too.

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