An exhibition of ten two-headed snakes and turtles will be on show through September 5 at the World Aquarium at St. Louis’s City Museum. The aquarium’s albino black rat snake, named We, will be joined by nine animals cared for by Fred Lally of West Fork, Arkansas (seen here). Aquarium president Leonard Sonnenschein hopes the exhibition could earn the museum a place in the Guinness Book of World Records for the largest exhibit of two-headed creatures. Another goal is to mate We with one of Lally’s snakes named Golden Girls. From the St. Louis Post-Dispatch:
Lally, owner of nine of the two-headed animals, likes the idea of a world record. Lally, 65, and his wife spend several months a year traveling with Golden Girls; their Western Diamondback rattlesnake named Double Trouble; and their seven red ear slider turtles – Wild Ones, Ms. Hazel, Zip & Pip, Lyndon, Crooked Shell, Short Neck and Baby Gill.They most often show the animals at fairs and festivals. But a world record could mean invitations from malls, which means air conditioning instead of steamy fairgrounds and hot asphalt parking lots at convention centers, Lally said.
“I’d much rather make up (a display) that could go inside malls,” he said.