Cory's WorldCon schedule

This year's World Science Fiction Convention starts a week Thursday, on August 24th, in LA. I'm doing a bunch of programming this year, as well as dusting off my tuxedo for the Hugo Awards ceremony, where I'm a finalist for my story I, Robot. I'm doing several signings, as well, but if you can't make it to WorldCon, you can pre-order custom-inscribed signed copies (with free US shipping, too!) from Borderlands Books. Hope to see you at the WorldCon!

Thu, Aug 24

* 11AM: Sign at Asimov's table, dealers' room

* 2PM: Sign at Borderlands table, dealers' room

* 4PM: Podcasting Science Fiction, with Stephen Eley, Paul Fischer and Evo Terra

Fri, Aug 25:

* 1PM: Bloggers as Public Intellectuals, with Kevin Drum, MaryAnn Johanson, Patrick Nielsen Hayden, Teresa Nielsen Hayden and Phil Plait

* 3PM: Autographing

* 5:30: Can Science Fiction Change the World? with David Brin, Sean McMullen, Craig Newmark and Cecilia Tan

Sat, Aug 26:

* 1PM: Open Source Software, with Andrew Adams, Loretta McKibben and Eric S. Raymond

* 4PM: The Singularity — What Is It And Why Should You Care? with Todd McCaffrey, David F. McMahon, MD, Mark L. Olson and Toni Weisskopf

Sun, Aug 27:

1PM: Kaffeeklatsch

2PM: Reading

(Thumbnail of Hugo Award from a larger image on an AwardWeb page)