Skeleton casemod

This gruesome, Hellraiser-esque casemod comes with a skull and spinal column, from which the major PC components are suspended, exposed and humming.

This mod is made of bronze-brazed, hammer-beaten copper. The drives' support is a hammer-beaten and bronze-brazed silver-plated skull. I am an HVAC Tech by trade and create most of my art work using the material that I work with during my day job. The spine that supports the hard drive and DVD and the skeleton hands that support the motherboard are constructed from used refrigerant piping that I beat into the shape of human bones. The "on" switch and "reset" switch are from defective setback thermostats.

The skull and face suspended from the spine that frame in the DVD writer and 300GB hard drive are made from silver-plated bowls purchased at a junk store. When the DVD writer or hard drive power up or go into "seek" mode, the skull face jiggles. I had to take apart the 500-watt power supply to reverse the biscuit fan, because I wanted it to blow up through the opening in the base to help cool the main board.


(via Make Blog)