Summer intern's preparedness project beats DHS's

Michael sez, "I work at the Federation of American Scientists as their Director of Biology Policy. This summer, my intern took on a monumental project: Build a website that provides better public preparedness information than the Department of Homeland Security’s site. She was able to create a better public preparedness website than the Department of Homeland Security in two months."


* Attach equipment and cabinets to walls or other stable equipment
* Place heavy or breakable objects on low shelves
* Move workstations away from large windows
* Elevate equipment off the floor to avoid electrical hazards in the event of flooding
* Install fire extinguishers and smoke detectors in appropriate places
* Consider if you could benefit from automatic fire sprinklers, alarm systems, closed circuit TV, access control, security guards, or other security systems
* Secure all the ways in which people, products, supplies and other things enter and leave your facility


(Thanks, Michael!)