Investigative blogger vindicated by UN inquiry over Haiti mercenaries

Previously on BB, Cory posted an item about "investigative blogger" Kathryn Cramer's efforts to uncover

damning facts about a US-expat-owned mercenary army operating in Haiti (…) [She] published an account that includes spying and the undermining of democratic elections on the island. [Cramer] has written extensively on mercenary forces around the world and recently began to research and publish on Consultants Advisory Group (CAG), a US-expat-owned mercenary army operating in Haiti. She began to receive anonymous tips from inside Haiti, including a leaked UN PowerPoint presentation indicating that CAG was providing "covert surveillance" for MINUSTAH, the UN agency operating Haiti.

Today, Cramer has posted a letter from a UN investigator who checked out "Consultants Advisory Group," the group Kathryn wrote about back in March — saying it appeared they were trying to in some way interfere with the Haitian elections:

…Apparently doing stuff like sending spies disguised as journalists to Haitian presidential debates and other such. One of the funnier moments of the episode was when a Dutch journalist based in Panama discovered that CAG's alleged 7th floor office was located in a 3 story building.

Cramer says that at one point, MINUSTAH (United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti) spokesman David Wimhurst threatened her with legal action over her posts.

Recently, Cramer provided information on CAG to an UN investigation through an intermediary. She now reports that the Investigator concluded:

Drawing from the information received from you, MINUSTAH has undertaken an in-depth investigation into this incident, which has uncovered that CAG has no legal existence neither in Haiti, nor in Panama, and that the company details referred to on its web site are false.

Cramer wins. Meanwhile, she's found more trouble to stir up on her blog:

[I took on] a Serbian ultra-nationalist fake journalist named Mirko Miskovic who responded to my blog post about him by sending a bizarre letter spiked with 32Win.Mydoom.O (link is non-toxic). The cover letter reads "In secured and clean attachment there is my personal letter to You as kind of respond to Your article on Your site." His letter talks about stuff like equipment for extracting people's eyes.
