Thinglink: UPCs for everyone, free and open

Thinglink is a fast-and-easy way of adding unique identifiers to your craft, design and homebrew projects. These unique numbers work like the UPCs you see on the sides of boxes, or ISBNs for books, unique numbers that make it easy for people who encounter or seek your goods to search for them and information about them on the web. The problem is that GUIDs and UPCs cost money and require permission, while a Thinglink is free and permission-free. is an open database where makers can register their work for free and create labels for their products. Crafters, artists, designers, producers, and other makers can use Thinglink to identify their products and document their work. We built Thinglink for makers, because we think everyone is a maker. We hope it will make the social networks around products visible and navigable.
