Boing Boing Staging

Footracers in San Fran will push a Katamari Damacy ball

Racers in San Francisco’s notorious funny-footrace Bay to Breakers will run it while pushing a giant cardboard Katamari Damacy ball!

You’ve played it. You’ve rolled it. You’ve hummed that tune over and over again. And now it’s time to put your katamari where your hands are, and join [info]soundhive and i for Bay To Breakers, as we roll a FREAKING HUGE cardboard katamari that shall be carved out of refrigerator boxes, and decorated with elements of the city that we’ve rolled up along the way. You can come as yourself, or choose from a blithering variety of roll-tastic cousins and kings of cosmoses. It’s crowded, it’s nerdy, it’s way to early in the morning. But by Jumboman, i’ve got to do something with all this extra carpetfoam that i’ve got in my garage. The weekends leading up will have katamari construction as well as costume making for those dolicephalic heads.


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