Recut: South Park's "de-Muhammed-ed" episode with crapping Jesus

Yesterday, Cory blogged about what may be the most outrageous South Park episode yet, in which Jesus shits on Bush and the US flag — but the prophet Mohammad couldn't be shown in another scene, because Comedy Central wouldn't allow it. Here's some video, here's another. I watched it last night and ROFLed.

BoingBoing reader Gavin says, "Some very enterprising person took the old episode of South Park which featured the likeness of Mohammed and cut-n-pasted it into last night's episode. Score one for freedom of expression!" Link. Update: or not. YouTube has removed the clip: "This video has been removed due to copyright infringement." (Thanks, Scott Ellis).

Luke says, "Comedy Central already aired an image of Mohammed. This clip from an old South Park episode (#69), originally aired July 4, 2001, depicts the prophet Mohammed as a member of the 'Super Best Friends.' Times change? Or is the "refusal" of Comedy Central this time just part of the episode?"

(Thanks, Berny and James Roe!)