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US online retailer selling Perplex City cards

Earlier this month I wrote about an amazing alternate reality game called Perplex City. I just learned that is selling the puzzle cards in the US for $5 per pack of 6 cards. Each card is a work of art.

It’s The Matrix meets Alice in Wonderland meets The Da Vinci Code in one of the most unusual concepts we’ve ever seen at Insound. If it wasn’t insanely compelling, we wouldn’t divert our attention from music to sell it. Is it a game? Is it a story? Is it a series of interlinked puzzles spanning mysterious websites, cryptic phone calls, stray emails, hidden messages and live events in random cities around the world? We’re not entirely sure to be honest…some call it an Alternate Reality Game. Others describe it as interactive fiction. Videogame geeks call it a real life MMO.

Created by a range of leading designers and illustrators, the Perplex City puzzle cards range in difficulty from the fun and easy to the captivatingly complex. There are beautifully crafted riddles, origami challenges, pop culture trivia, logical mindbenders, 3D mazes, Egyptian hieroglyphs and much, much more. These cards are the entryway into the world of Perplex City and contain information and clues essential to unraveling the mystery and finding the missing Cube.


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