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Plastic tool safely twists ticks from skin of humans and other animals

Cool Tools reviews a cheap plastic tool that safely removes one of the foulest creatures God put on earth to make our lives miserable: ticks.

The O’TOM® hooks (also marketed in USA under the trademark “TICK-TWISTER®” ) allow tick removal from the skin of animals and people.

They are always sold in a two pack (the large hook for the medium and large ticks, the small hook for small and very small ticks) , and are currently the most efficient tools to remove all ticks, any size and location,

* without leaving the mouth-parts of the tick planted in the skin

* without compressing the abdomen of the ticks, minimizing the transfer agents (Lyme’s disease, babesiosis…)

*without ether or other products

*in a few seconds, without pain.


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