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Footage of possible Sasquatch in California

The Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization has acquired a video clip that a hiker shot of a reported Sasquatch last month in Sonoma County, California. As the BFRO site says, the footage is “blurry, shakey, and frustratingly short,” but I still think it’s pretty strange and interesting. From BFRO:

Various people in the BFRO have seen sasquatches in the field and know what they look like.

We’ve seen plenty of hoaxed footage over the years as well.

With that said, we are confident the Sonoma footage is not fake (i.e. not animation or a man in a costume).

This figure is most likely a real sasquatch — a survivor of the gigantopithecus line of apes.

Link (Thanks, Scott Lowe!)

UPDATE: BB reader Michael Shannon points us to Bigfoot researcher John Freitas’s analysis of the puroprted Sasquatch footage here. Meanwhile, my cryptozoologist pal Loren Coleman weighs in at Cryptomundo here.

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