Brain scans as guru marketing

Over at Guruphiliac, Jody Radzik chews on a document distributed among followers of a popular guru called the Bhagavan Kalki. The document claims that brain scans of several devotees using "a very sensitive electromagnetic sensor" proves that "their bodies are so thoroughly permeated with the Divine Presence that there is a fundamental change in the nature of matter." From Guruphiliac:

That's a bit like trying to see the bottom of the ocean with a pair of binoculars over the side of boat. But hey, you've got to work with the tools that are available, right? The article goes on to state: "a healthy integration of spiritual awakening into human life always comes with left frontal lobe dominance."

We find this completely unscientific assumption a particularly frightening development… The article continues:

"One very interesting aspect of these findings was that the brain hardware of these people was more reflective of permanent enlightenment than their current conscious experience. It seems that diksha first installs the neurobiological hardware of enlightenment and the software in form of the experience slowly catches up."

Never mind the fact that science doesn't even acknowledge the existence of self-realization, let alone that nobody really knows what its "neurobiological hardware" would look like on a brain scan, or how it could be installed with a mere touch to the forehead by some dumb-assed dupe on a spiritual ego trip.
