Boing Boing Staging

Radiohead, remixed: Me and This Army from Panzah Zandahz

DJ Panzah Zandahz‘s “Me and This Army” is a collection of 16 Radiohead tracks remixed with snippets of artists such as MF Doom, Jurassic 5, De La Soul, and more. It’s as if the white label gods planted sensors inside my brain; they heard my innermost mashup prayers, and answered them here. It’s delicious. Now all it needs is some remixed Stanley Donwood cover art…

Link to info, tracklisting, and torrent. (Thanks, Sevaan)

Reader comment: Panzah tells Boing Boing, “I encourage bootlegging of that album, even though I’ve got it on CD & a 7” single of the ghostface & doom track for sale as well from my label’s site: Link.”

Reader comment: Nate MC says,

TorrentSpy has the same torrent file up, as mp3nova seems to be down. But that torrent is being tracked on these trackers: Link, Another Link, Whoah still more link.

Reader comment: Andrew Stern says,

This album IS for sale. If people are going to download it then they should consider Paypal-ing (or however they want to do it) some money to the distributor. I received this album as a promo to play on my show about a month ago and loved it so much that I went out found it and paid for it. This is one of those albums worth paying for. BTW, I played most cuts from the album on my radio show “Post” which follows the media-issues show “No One’s Listening” that Mark just blogged about.

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