Boing Boing Staging

Protest CD DRM in NYC on Nov 30!

Fred sez, “Free Culture @ NYU is doing another DRM Demonstration. We’ll be handing out flyers at Tower Records to notify consumers that even though Sony is recalling their particularly malicious XCP CDs, DRM is still on the shelves and very undead — Sony’s dangerous DRM may just be the tip of the iceberg and the only way to prevent future similar fiascos is for consumers to stand up for their rights. We’ll be at East 4th St. and Broadway at 7pm on Wednesday, November 30th. If we get rained (or snowed) out, we’ll reschedule for December 5th, but hopefully that won’t happen. See you there!”


Sony Rootkit Roundup: Part I, Part II, Part III

(Thanks, Fred!)

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