Crop circle files on eBay for $250k


Crop circle investigator and expert Colin Andrews is auctioning off two decades of research materials, including more than 35,000 photos with negatives, 650 VHS tapes, Excel databases, more than 3,000 books and publications, and lots more crop circleana. Andrews is broke. Bidding on eBay starts at $250,000. From the auction listing:

Andrews states that after 2 decades of intensive investigation and having witnessed some powerful experiences himself: "I am sure this is one of the most profound phenomenon of our time and I share the view held by some of the worlds nature loving people, like the Hopi Indians, that "Mother Earth" is crying and is in serious difficulty. She requires massive and urgent assistance of all "Brothers" in all places. Universal energy interactions may be at work and the interface between two dimensions register spectacular patters of great meaning and such depth as man can yet imagine."

Be aware that this collection also contains documented evidence suggesting paranormal activity, high strangeness, or "fringe" activity. Among the items, you will find 20+ years of research projects and results, some never before disclosed. These cover a wide range of topics, including:

* Magnetometer Surveys
* Plasma Balls
* Brainwave experiments
*Altered mind states and the healing effects of crop circles on the human consciousness.
