Boing Boing Staging

"Unhackable" anti-computer-addiction gizmo for kids' PCs

“Are you constantly telling Joi Ito to quit playing World of Warcraft? your child to get off the computer and get on to homework, chores or bed? Does your child stay up late playing games or chatting and has trouble getting up for school? Is your child using the computer unsupervised before you get home from work or late at night? Have you attempted to install parental controls only to have your teen outsmart you or the software? If you answered yes to any of the above questions, the PC Moderator(TM) can help.”


Reader comment: geekpdx says,

Sure, the dongle locks out the VGA port, but this does not take into account the fact that many (increasing daily) computers have not only a VGA output, but also an s-video and/or composite video out. And if a computer doesn’t have a video output, one can be added via an add-in PCI card or USB port. With a cheap composite video wireless transceiver and a wireless keyboard/mouse combo – kids could be browsing from their room without parents being any wiser.

Unhackable my ass.

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