Boing Boing Staging

The Bedazzled DVD

My pick for the most freaking-fantastic DVD of the year goes to the “2005 WFMU Record Fair Bedazzled” compilation. Spike Priggen, who runs Bedazzled, put together 21 television and scopitone music videos, ranging from Cheap Trick in Japan (which inspired me to take a wallet draining trip to iTunes, even though I know I have the vinyl versions in my parent’s attic) to the torrid, frenzied Faster, Pussycat! Kill! Kill! trailer (“You name it, we’ve got it! Faster, Pussycat! Kill! Kill! delivers tons more than the opposition: Unladylike karate chops! Ungentlemanly hay making! Spirited gymnastics! Corrective table manners! Sandbox jousting! Or a muscle-bound cat wrestling with a roaring sports car that’s intent upon squashing him like a grape! Bizarre kidney- and chassis-rattling chases! And for the first time on the screen, a hay-making belly-busting karate chopping judo flipping fight to end them all! Superwoman against man — the prize: life itself! Slashing tackling gouging hacking flipping belting smashing and blasting! Muscle to muscle; bone to bone!”).

With an hour and a half of rare gems from the 60s and 70s, and a dirt cheap price of $15 (including shipping) you’d have to be either insane or a republican not to snap this up. Click the link for several sample videos. Link

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