Fifty greatest indy films

Empire movie mag has compiled a list of what it considers to be the "50 Greatest Independent Films." The top ten includes Mean Streets, Sideways, The Usual Suspects, Sex, Lies, and Videotape, Night of the Living Dead, Monty Python's Life of Brian, Clerks, The Terminator, Donnie Darko, and Reservoir Dogs. The Terminator?!? From the Empire article:

The Terminator (1984)
Its studio-friendly sequels and slick '80s action sequences may make this appear part of the Hollywood establishment, but look a little more closely. Behind the impressive effects you'll see an untried director, an obscure leading man and a (relatively) shoestring budget – in fact, all the hallmarks of an indie movie. If you want an example of independent spirit, there's no finer example than the man behind The Terminator's apocalyptic vision. A nobody on the verge of being fired from his job on a silly horror flick about piranhas, James Cameron was fired up by a vivid nightmare he had one night about an unstoppable metal assassin. Hastily scribbling a screenplay and assembling a crew, he threw himself body and soul into the shoot, creating a whole new genre of techno-noir along the way.

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